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Richard mouse

Richard Mouse


Richard Long是我們熟悉的地景藝術家,他的作品<A line made by walking>是不斷來回行走而留下的痕跡,藝術家可以在任何地點以行為的方式創作,觀眾通常不是親自到場欣賞,而是透過藝術家拍攝的圖片、紀錄影像來了解他的創作。<Richard mouse>這件作品是我在逛寵物店的途中,偶然看見一隻來回走動的老鼠,牠的行為留下了明顯的足跡,對照Richard Long有意識的藝術行動,這隻老鼠是沒有透過意識而做出藝術的行為,我覺得相當有趣。我以一致的相框,陳列擺放的形式展示,讓老鼠的影像回應Richard Long的作品。

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Land artist, Richard Long, is famous for his walks. This mouse, too, has left obvious footprints because of continuing walking back and forth. In contrast to Richard Long's conscious artistic actions, this mouse is obviously not making its behaviors with consciousness.

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