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可愛的、小巧的、討喜的、有機的、造形的、舒服的、乾淨的、雅緻的、視覺愉悅的、傳統媒 材的、有溫度的、方便收藏的、產生物慾的、可以吸引目光的、適合當禮物送親朋好友的、市 井小民喜愛的、一般畫廊接受的、比較好賣的、形式和內容安全的、可以依樣畫葫蘆的、容易 取作品名稱的、能夠不斷做下去的、不難的、不用動腦的、為了寫這張作品卡而做的
Lovely, Delicate, Pleasing, Organic, Shaped, Comfortable, Neat, Elegant, Visually Pleasing, Traditional, Warm, Easy to Collect, Materially Desirable, Attractive, Appropriate to be a Gift for Friends and Family, Beloved by People, Acceptable for Galleries, Better for Selling, Aesthetically Stable, That Can be Easily Replicated, That Can be Easily Named, That Can be Continued, Not Difficult, No-Brainer, In order to Make This Exhibition Label
Stone、Mixed Media、Exhibition Label,DV,2019-2022


在我的觀察中,某些形式的作品是雅俗共賞、容易得到⼀般觀眾喜愛的,這些作品沒有好壞,是安全的創作路線。我挑選部分討喜的 類型,稍微刻意的仿造這些形式,藉由有機的抽象造形雕塑作為晃⼦,吸引觀眾的⽬光,預設觀眾因為對作品的好感或是好奇⽽去看 作品卡(作品的重點),因⽽看到我的個⼈⾒解。此件作品可以有⼀至⼆個觀看階段,停留在對雕塑作品視覺上的觀看為⼀種觀看階 段;看⾒雕塑與看⾒作品卡產⽣反差的感受為達成兩個觀看階段。對於許多作品的形象,其實是不難進入的,甚至可以模仿或是超越, 只是要不要做的問題。
In my observation, certain forms of work can be effortlessly appreciated and easily loved by the general audience. These kinds of works do not hold a certain value of good or bad. They are creations within a safety zone. I have chosen some works of these pleasing kinds and imitated them slightly, using the organic abstract sculpture as a decoy to attract the viewer's attention. I presuppose that the viewer will go read the label (the focus of the work) out of curiosity or interest and thus see my interpretation. The work can be viewed in one or two stages. The first stage is the visualization of the sculpture, and the second stage is the contrast between seeing the sculpture and seeing the card. For many works, they are quite easy to be realized, moreover, they can even be imitated or surpassed. It is merely a matter of doing it or not.
