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Comfort Martin Kinppenberger


安慰馬丁 (1).jpg

創作一定要是帶來美好或是表現正向嗎?從反思的角度來表達創作的方法,要如何被認同?藝術家要為自己做的作品道歉嗎?德國藝術家Martin Kinppenberger因為爭議性的作品受到批評而做了<Martin, Into the Corner, You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself>這件作品,我也曾因為做了帶有諷刺意味的作品遭到質疑與不認可。所以我仿做了一件Martin的這件作品,同時也做了一個我自己的塑像在旁安慰他,以個人的經驗和他的作品做聯結,也故意把自己和他並置。

Does creation have to be good or positive? How can an ironic creation be recognized? Should an artist apologize for his work? The German artist Martin Kinppenberger was criticized because of his work; therefore, he created "Martin, Into the Corner, You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself" as a response to the nasty accusation against him.

I have also been questioned for a work of mine which embedded ironic meaning. So, I made a copy of Martin's work and a statue of myself next to Martin to comfort him. I connected his work with my personal experience, and deliberately collocate myself with him.

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